Tiger grass

Tiger Grass, “Bai Bua Bok” in Thai (ใบบัวบก) is a plant with benefits sought after in traditional Thai medicine.

Its leaves are rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. It improves skin health by reducing inflammation and stimulating collagen production.

High-quality tiger grass is grown in the Thai part of the Golden Triangle, where the conditions are particularly favourable for its growth and ensure an optimal concentration of active elements.

Benefits and Uses

Tiger grass, better known as Centella asiatica, is a plant that has been used for centuries in traditional Thai medicine for its numerous benefits.


Helps to reduce body inflammation, swelling and stiffness. Relieves muscle, joint and ligament pain. Helps to reduce the symptoms of certain inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, rheumatism, sprains, but also asthma and bronchitis.


Rich in antioxidants, it is an active support for cells against damage caused by free radicals.


Participates in improving blood circulation and therefore in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. It thus helps to relieve muscle pain, heavy leg syndrome, edema, varicose veins.


Intervenes in the regulation of levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. It thus has a calming effect on the mind and helps to reduce stress and anxiety.


Helps to improve memory and cognitive function by stimulating blood circulation in the brain and by stimulating communication between nerve cells.

Historical Origins

Centella asiatica, also known as Gotu kola or Asian Hydrocotyle, is a plant that has been used in Asia for medicinal purposes since ancient times.

In Thailand, Centella asiatica, known as “Bai Bua Bok”, has always been an integral part of the traditional medical system, “Kan Pad Pen Thai” in Thai (แพทย์แผนไทย). It is a mostly oral tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. The first written records date from the Ayutthaya period (14e-18e centuries) where tiger grass is mentioned in particular in the “Phaet Suea Samut” (ภัยเสือสมุทร), which deals with diagnoses, treatments and healing practices.

In addition to its use in traditional medicine, Centella asiatica is also used in Thai cuisine, where fresh leaves are sometimes added to dishes for their nutritional qualities and overall health benefits.

In India, Centella asiatica is mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic texts, such as Sushruta Samhita and Charaka Samhita, which date back to around 2,000 years ago. It is described as a precious herb used for its rejuvenating, healing, and brain-toning properties.

In China, Centella asiatica is mentioned in the Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, an ancient Chinese medical text compiled about 2,500 years ago. It mentions its toning, healing and refreshing properties.

In other regions of the world, for example, it is used in traditional African medicines for its healing and healing properties.

Over time, Centella asiatica has also grown in popularity in the fields of modern medicine, cosmetics, and dietary supplements, due to its benefits for skin, healing, and general health.


Tiger grass, or Centella asiatica, is a plant that is naturally produced in Thailand. It grows wild in wetlands and swamps across the country. Traditionally, the fresh leaves of the plant are harvested by hand and used in medicinal preparations.

However, tiger grass is also grown commercially in Thailand, mainly in the northern and northeastern regions of the country that are particularly suitable for its cultivation. Local farmers grow the plant in fields near wetlands and swamps.

At Sayam we particularly appreciate tiger grass from the Chiang Rai region, close to the Golden Triangle. They mostly use a traditional cold pressing process that allows an optimal concentration of active elements.


The Centella asiatica oil contains a variety of active compounds that give it its beneficial properties, including:

  • Triterpenes: Rich in asiaticoside acid, madecassic acid, and asiatic acid. These compounds are known for their healing, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
  • Flavonoids: Antioxidants that help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals and reduce inflammation.
  • Saponins: Saponins, such as asiaticoside, are known to promote collagen production, improve skin elasticity, and aid in healing.
  • Essential fatty acids: Linoleic acid and linolenic acid. They help maintain skin hydration and strengthen the skin barrier.
  • Antioxidants: Especially tocopherols (vitamin E), which help protect the skin from oxidative damage and prevent premature aging.


L'huile de Centella asiatica contient une variété de composés actifs qui lui confèrent ses propriétés bénéfiques dont:

  • Triterpènes : Riche en Acide asiaticoside, acide madécassique et acide asiatique. Ces composés sont connus pour leurs propriétés cicatrisantes, anti-inflammatoires et antioxydantes.
  • Flavonoïdes : Antioxydants, ils aident à protéger la peau contre les dommages causés par les radicaux libres et à réduire l'inflammation.
  • Saponines : Les saponines, telles que l'asiaticoside, sont connues pour favoriser la production de collagène, améliorer l'élasticité de la peau et aider à la cicatrisation.
  • Acides gras essentiels : Acide linoléique et Acide linolénique. Ils aident à maintenir l'hydratation de la peau et à renforcer la barrière cutanée.
  • Antioxydants : Les tocophérols (vitamine E) notamment qui aident à protéger la peau contre les dommages oxydatifs et à prévenir le vieillissement prématuré.